Hire Off-Duty OfficerNCSO allows employees who are commissioned Peace Officers to work in a Secondary Employment Off-Duty capacity in accordance with Sheriff’s Office policies, state and local laws. Peace Officers engage in off-duty employment as independent contractors. A NCSO Deputy’s primary responsibility while working in an off-duty status is the enforcement of federal and state laws and county ordinances; to protect life and property and to keep the peace. Deputies engaged in a secondary employment job will not refuse to assist any citizen in need and can be called away from any secondary employment job if an emergency arises. All requests are subject to approval, and we have the right to refuse any request. Due to our primary public safety needs, we cannot guarantee we will be able to fulfill your request. Any individual, organization or business requesting to hire our deputies is considered a Contractor for the duration of the employment. Peace Officer Rates Per Officer (4 Hour Minimum)General Security: $50.00 per hour Peace Officer Contract CoordinatorDepending on the complexity of your request, a Peace Officer Coordinator may be required. The Coordinator will be responsible for scheduling the officers, work as your liaison?with our agency and?invoice for officers and vehicles. The coordinator may?charge a coordinating fee. The fee will be for the total number of hours spent coordinating the job outside of any hours worked, based on the standard hourly rate. OFF-Duty FacilitatorFor more information, please contact the Off-Duty Facilitator at: 361-434-2332
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