Committee Information

Civilian Committee

Civilian Committee

Madam Chairwoman: Francisca Perales

Madam Vice Chairwoman: Caroline Wolfe

Secretary: Gwen Fryday

Treasurer: Becky Blencoe

Contact: Francisca Perales

The Ethics Committee will consist of five members. The Ethics Committee will be responsible for, but not be limited to, the following:

(a) Will meet as often as required to carry outtheir                    assigned duty.

(b) Answers directly to the Executive Board.

(c) To carry out the duties set out by the disclosure portion of this constitution.

(d) Any other duty that may be assigned by a majority vote of the Executive Board or the general membership.


Grievance Committee

(a) Permanent Rules and Guidelines are contained in ARTICLE 24 of the Collective Bargaining Contract and may only be changed through bargaining process.

     1. The Grievance Committee must adhere to all contract requirements.

(b) The President and both Vice Presidents will serve as the Grievance Committee. If one is unavailable an alternate will be chosen from the Executive Board.

(c) Grievance must be submitted in writing to a Grievance Committee member.

(d) Upon receipt of Grievance the committee will meet within forty-eight (48) hours to consider the Grievance. The Committee agrees that it will consult with representatives of CLEAT concerning the validity of grievances in making the decision to pursue a grievance. However, nothing herein shall take away from the authority of the Committee to pursue any grievance it deems to be in violation of the contract.

     1. Committee will notify Grievant on the status of their grievance at each step of the procedure.

(e) If a Grievance is denied and goes to Article 24, Section 4, Step 3 the Executive Board will decide whether to proceed to arbitration.

Contact: Jose A Gonzalez

 Labor Relations Committee

(a) Permanent Rules and Guidelines are contained in ARTICLE 22 of the Collective Bargaining Contract and may only be changed through bargaining process.

     1. The Labor Relations Committee must adhere to all contract requirements shall be staffed by members chosen by the Executive Board and will serve at their discretion.

(b) Only issues that affect the Association members, as a whole will be presented to the Labor Relations Committee. No individual issues will be addressed.

(c) Will make a full report at the next General Membership meeting after a Labor Relations Committee meeting. Report may be made verbally or in writing.

(d) All items to be presented to the Labor Relations Committee will first be presented and approved at a General Membership Meeting. If an important topic comes up that needs to be presented to the Labor Relations Committee the Executive Board may approve the presentation of the issue. If this occurs a full report will be made to the membership at the next meeting as to what was presented and why it could not wait.

Current Committe

President: Jose A Gonzalez

Vice-President Corrections: Gary Thurmond

Vice-President Field Opps: Roland Martinez

Contact: Jose A Gonzalez

The Political Action Committee (PAC) will be comprised of three members who are appointed by the President. The PAC shall be governed and administered in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. The PAC Treasurer will make required reports to the Texas Ethics Commission in accordance with the rules set forth by the Commission. In addition, the PAC will conduct interviews/forums with all candidates for office that will have an impact on the NCSOA and its members. The PAC will report directly to the Executive Board and will have the Executive Board’s approval concerning any potential endorsements to a political candidate and prior to any expenditure to a political candidate.

Current Committee

PAC Chairman- Mark Villarrieal

PAC Treasuer-Lance Cooper

PAC-Vice-Chairman- Open

Contact: PAC Treasurer L. Cooper
Contact Info
Nueces County Sheriff Officers' Assoc.
3122 Leopard St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78408

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